1. Why fitness?

why fitness rocks fitness guru
  • A healthier state of mind
  • Clear thought & better mind
  • More Energy
  • Feel Relaxed
  • Sleep Better
  • Strong Bones, Muscles & joints
  • Reduce risk of BP, Diabetics & heart problems
  • Fast recovery
  • Achieve your life goal

2. The ten major genetic variables that affect fat loss, muscle growth, strength, and athletic ability

genetic variables that affect fat loss rocks fitness guru

The great news is that fat loss and fitness are not determined by genetics alone. The way your body looks today is the result of genetics, behavior, and environment all put together.

Genetic Variables

  • Basal metabolic rate
  • Number of fat cells
  • Number of muscle fibers
  • Muscle fiber type
  • Muscle insertions
  • Limb length
  • Joint size
  • Digestive differences
  • Food allergies and insensitivities
  • Carbohydrate tolerance

Dedication, discipline, and hard work can take you so far, it can appear as if you’ve shattered your genetic “limits.” The reality is that most people never come close to fulfilling their full potential.

3. How Do I Get a Flat Stomach?

flat stomach rocks fitness guru

The two types of exercise can help - strength training and cardiovascular exercise.

The abdominals are just like any other muscle group, for their definition to become visible, they must grow larger and the fat that lies over them must decrease. What makes the definition of the abdominals so difficult to see is that they are situated in the area of the body that contains the most fat.

Strength training the abdominals is only half the story. My clients will get a flat stomach only when I combine strength training with cardiovascular exercise to get rid of the fat.

Most clients do not do nearly enough cardiovascular exercise to decrease their body fat percentage to a point where they would see their abdominals.

Even when the aerobic exercise stimulus is adequate, the role of diet must not be underestimated. All people with a flat stomach or six-pack have a very low percentage of body fat.

4. What Is the Best Way to Lose Fat?

lose fat rocks fitness guru

The simple (and complex) answer is that there is no “best way” to lose fat. Each client will respond differently to a training program. However, there are some I apply when designing my clients’ programs.

  • Activities that incorporate many muscle groups and are weight bearing, they use more calories per minute and are therefore better suited for fat loss
  • It is often assumed that low-intensity exercise is best for burning fat.
  • To decrease body fat percentage, my clients do not necessarily have to use fat during exercise. Much of the fat from adipose is lost in the hours following exercise. Because clients can perform a greater intensity of work if the work is broken up with periods of rest, interval training is a great way to perform high-intensity work and help decrease body fat percentage.
  • Both strength training and endurance exercise have been shown to decrease body fat percentage.

5. Women must train differently from men

women training rocks fitness guru

Most women who say they want to be “toned” mean that they want to get fitter and firmer without getting bigger. Guess what? The best and fastest way to achieve the “fitter and firmer” look women want is the same way that men achieve the “muscular” look they want: with weight training. And without it, a woman will never get much stronger.

A muscle either gets stronger and more developed or it doesn’t. There’s no such thing as “toning” or gender-specific exercise; these are just the perceptions created by the fitness industry. I don’t think that’s a bad thing if it gets more women involved. What I’m saying is that if women squat, lunge, row, press, and deadlift, just like men, they’ll be rewarded with many times greater results than if they pursue some kind of dainty “toning” exercises with three-pound pink dumbbells or follow exercise programs that don’t use resistance at all.

6. What causes us to OVEREAT?

overheat rocks fitness guru
  • Mood swing
  • Depression
  • External influence
  • Too much restriction on food
  • Due to misjudgment

7. Should I Do Cardio First or Weight Training First?

cardio rocks fitness guru

It depends on the client’s goals. Many personal trainers think that performing strength training before cardiovascular exercise will augment the amount of fat used during the cardio workout because the strength training will deplete the muscles’ store of carbohydrates (glycogen).

  • However, strength training is not likely to deplete glycogen stores, because a lot of the workout time is spent resting between sets and exercises. Even if the strength workout were long and intense enough to accomplish this task, exercising in a glycogen-depleted state has many negative consequences, including an increase in acidic compounds produced in response to low carbohydrate levels, low blood insulin, hypoglycemia, increased amino acid (protein) metabolism, increased blood and muscle ammonia and a strong perception of fatigue.
  • Currently, no research shows that strength training immediately before a cardio workout increases the amount of fat used during the cardio workout, or vice versa. Most likely, the intensity of the activity, not the mode of exercise, determines the “fuel”—either fat, carbohydrate or protein—that is used.
  • 8. When will I see results?

    rocks fitness guru

    This depends on what kind of results we’re talking about. You may have more energy within a matter of hours or a few days.

    Fat loss or weight loss will occur as quickly a few days to a few weeks depending on your lifestyle choices.

    To see increased strength and actual muscle size it will take 6-8 weeks.

    For an overall feeling of well-being and a sense of better strength, it could be a matter of just a few weeks.

    9. If you lift weights, you’ll lose flexibility and get muscle-bound.

    muscle bound rocks fitness guru

    The surest way to decrease your flexibility is to sit on your butt all day long doing nothing.

    Weight training can actually increase your flexibility if you perform the exercises through the full range of motion. I’ve seen male bodybuilders weighing 120 kgs of solid muscle do full splits as part of their posing routines.

    As for the women, watch a professional fitness show like the Fitness Olympia. You’ll see some of the most flexible athletes in the world, even though they train with weights every bit as hard as the men.

    If increasing flexibility is one of your fitness goals, then devote some time for stretching at the end of your lifting sessions and emphasize the tightest areas.

    An easy way to fit stretching into your routine with no extra time commitment is to stretch in between sets. I add yoga into my clients weekly plan to gain more flexibility. Just remember that yoga is a good adjunct to weight training, it’s not a substitute for it.

    10. You should lose all the fat first, then start weight training later.

    fat loss first rocks fitness guru

    People who are extremely overweight may need to focus on nutrition at first if they’re not very mobile yet.

    But if you’re physically able to exercise safely, you’ll get amazing benefits from starting a weight-training program, even if you still have a lot of fat to lose. Almost anyone can start with walking for cardio and basic lifts for strength, and it’s never too soon to start developing good habits.

    Yes, you can lose weight with diet and cardio or even diet alone, but many people who do that find they’re not as happy with their bodies as they thought they’d be. They fit into smaller clothes, but they still don’t want to be seen out of clothes. They look soft and unathletic. It’s never too late to pick up the weights, but wouldn’t it be better to start training from day one and finish with a stronger, harder, and more athletic body?

    11. How do you know that your diet is working?

    diet meal rocks fitness guru

    After 2 – 3 weeks of sticking to your diet, you should assess how it’s going.

    Weight loss isn’t the only criterion to consider when deciding if your diet is right or wrong. However, you should judge your progress based on the following criteria:

    • Your weight - did it go down, up, or stay the same?
    • Your clothes - do they feel looser, tighter, or the same?
    • The mirror - do you look thinner, fatter, or the same?

    Any of the above is up -> time to consult your dietian

    • Your energy levels - do you feel energized, tired, or somewhere in between?
    • Your strength - is it going up, down, or staying about the same?
    • Your sleep - are you exhausted by the end of the night, do you have trouble

    Any of the above is down -> consult your dietian

    12. Tips to have a good night sleep

    good night sleep rocks fitness guru
    • Warm water bath 2 hours prior to sleep
    • Get more sunlight
    • Avoid digital screen for 90 mins before sleep
    • Avoid caffeine before 6 – 8 hours of sleep
    • Reduce irregular or long day night naps
    • Get into regular sleep / wake cycle, specially over weekends
    • Lavender & Magnesium can help with relaxation & sleep quality
    • Avoid alcohol close to sleep
    • Avoid large meal before bed, instead take 2 hours before
    • Exercise regularly